We can help you from the very beginning to become a Buy to Let Investor, plus we can recommend experts that we work closely with.
We will help you to:
- Find the best Buy to Let
- Arrange for you to meet
specialist Accountants for setting up your business and tax advice.
- Recommend experienced,
professional and good value Solicitors for conveyancing.
- Put you in touch with
Brokers for Landlord and other Insurance products.
- Help you source Investment
Properties throughout the UK.
What is a Buy-to-Let property investment?
Buy-to-let investment is very different from owning your own home. When you become a landlord, you are effectively running a small business – one with important legal responsibilities.
Is a Buy to Let Investment Right for Me?
A buy-to-let property investment may be right for you if you:
- Prefer investments that
feel more tangible than stocks and shares
- Are willing to tie up your
money for a long period
- Understand property prices
can go down as well as up
- Are willing to take the
risk that you may not earn a profit on your investment
- Understand and accept the
costs and time involved in owning and running a property and the impact
that this will have on your potential return
For more information please click the link and download our free Let Us Help You Become a Buy to Let Landlord guide
You can also visit our Buy to Let pages